Friday, August 20, 2010

We've expanded!

Hey everyone! Just a quick message to check in and make sure everybody's still paying attention, also to let you know that we've now expanded to two blogs! So while there will always be this one to give you all the updates on our jeans, fashion trends, etc, anything to do with the clothes, we've also established a more social blog.

If you're interested check out and follow it, because that's the most important thing. Also be sure to comment so we know you're out there!

Hope you enjoy the new addition!

1 comment:

  1. COMMENT! See what i did for you?

    also, the ipod thing annoys me. but maybe that's just me, but i feel like it shouldn't automatically start playing, cuz a lot of people listen to music already (me) and it clashes and confuses them minorly for a sec (me.)
    but idk if you can make it only if the reader (me) wants to. If not, that's cool. Thus far, my only complaint.

    oh that was a lie. Where's a picture of me?!?? XP lol, jk. sorta. Miss you!
