Hi everybody! Just wanted to make sure the blog was working and posts were getting up, there isn't really anything too important to mention yet. Everything is basically a work in progress right now, which is why Abbey and I decided to set up a blog to keep you posted on what we were up to.
If you're on the blog then you probably heard about it from one of us or someone we told to tell you, or if you're reading this later on you might have looked it up from our catalog...if that ever gets finished...Anyway I just wanted to sum up what this blog's going to be about and what Dirty Jeans is going to be. Basically Dirty Jeans allows you to do whatever you want to your jeans without doing it yourself. Any kind of bleaching, distressing, customizing we can think of we'll find a way to make happen. Hopefully we'll manage to renew that old pair of jeans you'd forgotten about. Every pair of jeans we distress is the only one of its kind, and is rendered exactly the way you want at a fraction of the cost of a regular pair of jeans you would buy in a store. After we customize them, we'll mark them with our signature and send them back to you, simple.
But that's going to take a while to set up, so until then, we'd like to keep you informed on what we're up to so once you hear about us maybe we'll stick in your memory a little longer. Abbey and I will put up posts of things that inspire us, new ideas we have, designers we admire, and what we plan to get done so you'll know exactly what's going on.
Wish us luck!