Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We should pow-wow sometime soon

This afternoon as I sat in my room adorned with cheetah-print leggings and heavily-fringed moccasins, amongst a number of animal masks and faux fur, reveling in the energy-charged sounds of Kings of Leon's new album and envisioning the vast number of music festivals I plan on attending before I die (because this is what girls like me do in their spare time) an article in Elle peaked my interest.

The article was titled "Head Trip" and focused on a new designer, Chase Cohl, the now 22-yr-old daughter of the Rolling Stones' longtime manager. Well we all know a girl like that is destined to do something great, yeah? And in fact, she has not let us down. Cohl is rapidly gaining popularity over her new line of jewelry and headresses, which are heavily based in feathers, crystals, and hippie-style embroidery. (So you know this article is now hanging over my bed, haha.)

Perhaps it's a bit much (ha, how silly) but check out the website for a good time, aka

PS - the online store opens today

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